Photo provided by Sarah Lancaster
Corps Day at The Citadel is the annual celebration of the founding of the Corps of Cadets. It is also the weekend the new Summerall Guards make their first appearance during a ceremony on Summerall Field just after the open barracks Saturday morning. For the past several years I’ve attended the events of the weekend. The highlight is meeting the new Summerall Guard who now carries the rifle my son carried when he was a 2011 Summerall Guard.
I am in touch with quite a few mother’s of current 2015 Bond Volunteer Aspirants (BVA’s). Their cadets have grown into fine cadet officers. Cuts Day, like a final tryout day, is around the corner. My thoughts and prayers are with the cadets as they are run through their paces.

photo provided by Sarah Lancaster
I’ve written about the process before and will include links to previous posts below. It is a time of great pride for both the cadets and their parents. If you are the parent of a 2015 BVA soon to be Summerall Guard a few reminders.
Be sure to ask what side of the field to stand on during the ceremony, on the barracks side or on the chapel side of the roped off area.
Arrive to the parade field early to scout out your spot along the roped off area.
Bring insect repellant. The no-see-ums can be awful.
Exchange email addresses with the other 2014 and 2015 parents so you can exchange photos and videos.
After the performance and the parade that follows the Summerall Guards usually host a fundraising luncheon when they sell the Summerall Guard parent T-shirts. Be sure to ask your cadet about the time and location.
Best wishes to the BVA’s and their parents as we approach Cuts Day.
The Summerall Guards 2014video
Previous Blog posts:
The Citadel: BVA’s and Summerall Guards
Information for Parents about the BVA’s and Summerall Guards
BVA’s and Summerall Guards: Cuts Day, Mardi Gras and Corps Day

photo provided by Sarah Lancaster