As a little background, I thought it might be helpful to post links to the entries I’ve written for Off the Base, a blog by Bobbie O’Brien of WUSF. Most of my entries for Off the Base have to do with being the mom of a cadet at The Citadel. Future entries on this blog will be on a variety of topics.
Mom Readies for Son’s Military College
The Citadel: Year One a No Fly Zone for Hovering Parents
How The Citadel “Ya-Yas” Came to Be
Learning Leadership and Ethics at The Citadel
The Citadel Trained Me as Well as My Son
The Citadel: BVA’s and Summerall Guards
The Citadel: Recognition Day and Ring Weekend
Care Packages for Cadets: The Citadel Heroes Project
The Citadel Bond Renews Parents’ Long Time Friendships
The Citadel: Unofficial Tips for Families of Incoming Knobs
The Citadel: Saying Good-Bye, But Always Connected
A Sister, a Mom, A Family Prepares for Military Life

Survival Skills to Succeed as a Citadel Mom
A New Blue Star Mom Shows Supports for Fallen Soldier
Celebration, Tradition, Ritual: The Long Gray Li
Citadel Parent Crafts Her Own Graduation Ritual
Graduation Day: No Longer the Mother of a Cadet
A Letter to The Citadel Class of 2015
Citadel Mom Cycle Completed – A Blue Star Mom Emerges
A Military Mom Meets Lt. Gen. William B. Caldwell, IV